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- ok guyz,hello and welcome to the amnesia interview #1.your interviewer tonite
- is creed/eclipse.this interview took place on 28/10/91 on Crackhouse BBS in
- Dublin.Its amazing what ami-express can do,ascii-capture-mega cool.nuff said
- so on with the show Derek.
- AArrrggh, how did I get talked into this. Ah well, The serious stuff first I
- suppose: Okay Barry what`s your first name?..
- (
- Ok first name Barry last name o donnell alias Green-Beret/PL/\GUE
- Well I suppose we`d better ask the vital question and beg you to tell us how
- it all started for you (You can leave birth out, by the way),?
- ok guyz,it all started for me in 1982 when i first bought my c64 and tape
- deck.for about 5 years i just played games and messed around with machine,then
- i bought a disk drive in 1987 and started swapping.as is the case with most
- people,i didnt give a damn how old the stuff was when i started swapping,but
- then i realised that new stuff is most important if you wanna survive.Derek
- Exocet/TNT as he was called then helped me out by supplying me with warez
- which was cool.Joker/TNT was a good mate also.Then all was cool,in summer
- 1989,i placed ads in numerous c64 disk mags and zzapp 64 magazine and i got
- 140 replies and most of them were cool contax.most of my old c64 contax joined
- the amiga scene and i started swapping with the.i bough my amiga 500 1.2 in
- april 1988.the scene was lame in those days and for a while,the standard of
- amiga warez was rubbish and i thought that the c64 was a much better
- machine.Then all became cool,amiga warez improved,loadza groups joined the
- scene and myself and Creed,gazzer,merlin,zed,kurgan formed an irish group
- called TNT(THUNDERTRONIX) which lasted for a few months.I was a mega swapper
- on the c64,still am and am a megaswapper on the amiga with 87 contax.i also
- run the Plague BBS in Ireland called Crackhouse.Now the most important bit,i
- cant code/do gfx/musak etc,but will hopefully get round to it someday.i hope
- you all followed that.TNT joined UK group CRACK in June 1991 and Released 1
- issue of AMNESIA under the CRACK label.Crack broke up in July 1991 and most
- members including myself set up a new group called Plague but
- Creed,Gazzer,Recoil,Darkman,Kurgan,Merlin & Zed joined Eclipse and that is the
- way things are at the present time.
- And lo the book closes once more ........ Okay How about some info. on your
- Likes/ dislikes on the scene: Music , graphix, code , attitudes etc.
- Ok firstly i haaattttteeee Vectors becoz i have seen them used too much in
- demos.vectors are around since the early days of the amiga,wild copper
- crew/trilogy were first to have them as far as i can remember,they have
- changed little in the intervening period of time except for colour cycling in
- them and different shapes etc.Bobs were the craze at one time and vectors are
- the norm now.I would like more originality in the demo scene(pretty strange
- coming from a guy who cant code but what the hell).I would like to see more in
- the way of mathematical routines sine dots etc or whatever you call the.
- Now onto my opinion of the music on the machine.In the early days,all tunes
- were synth and nearly all sounded blue monday ish which for their time sounded
- good.Now all the musak on the scene sounds realistic but too good a
- quality,for some strange reason i hate that,dunno why,i would like to hear
- more synth musak on the scene as all musak on the scene sounds the same at the
- moment,xcept your musak of course Creed,which is gradually getting better and
- better.BBSs are getting more popular by the day and that is cool for
- everyone.hmm running outa things to type so back 2 u Creed.
- And now the question we all want answered......Is your sister as sexy as her
- voice ?
- well she doesnt give that impression,but she will be going out with a nice guy
- soon.ps:she will be doing gfx soon.
- Shit, I`m always too late. Anyway, what age are you ?
- i am 19 1/2 years old and will be 20 next June and what a mega party/pissup
- there will be that night.next please.
- Just to clarify this iinterview, Are you currently in a state of `Pissed out
- of the Skulledness`?
- no i have got a bad hangover at the moment as you could tell when i called u
- earlier.ps:readers i get pissed quite a lot as was the case when
- Gazzer/Eclipse was trying 2 give me a coding lesson last Friday night
- (25/10/91).I had 3 Vodkas and 3 pints of Beer and really pissed the poor guy
- off.HA HA Gazzman.
- Absolutely awful, the youth of today........ So just who are the people you
- mist respect on the AMY, best contacts etc.?
- mist respect or most respect,most respect i presume.I respect all the dudes on
- the Irish scene who are trying to make a scene,in particular the guyz
- responsible for Amnesia magazine who have 2 get this magazine together and get
- it spread around.I also respect Alchemist/Plague,thanks for all the help with
- BBS m8,and of course all Plague members.Gazzer is getting there coding wise
- after spending alot of time coding,good stuff and keep up the good work and
- that applies to yourself Derek also.cheers.
- There are some places flattery can`t get you, AMNESIA isn`t one of them.
- Okay what sort of music do you generally lust after?
- Well i like some of depeche modes musak/new order and more importantly the
- craze of 2day -R A V E- techno musak which i luv.xcellent stuff.pity the
- rave scene isnt bigger in Dublin though.Thanks 4 all those Techno tapes
- MR.INTERVIEWER Creed.Most appreciated.
- Well seeing as you also do a fair amount of VID- trading why don`t you tell us
- something about that, fave films etc.
- ok i love violent films,comedies.i like actors like
- Swartzeneger,stallone,dolph lundgren.I recently saw Backdraft/Terminator
- II/Jacobs ladder and they are cool films.I have only got 2 videos contax so
- write 2 me now dudes.->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
- Well I asked about your sis. so I suppose it`s only fair that I ask you about
- your own taste in females.
- well,my female scene is crap at the moment,i am just to lazy,i have missed a
- couple of chances and i regret that,especially not bothering 2 ask Lisa from
- Office Public Works out,i went out 4 a cool night out with herself and a
- work colleague but as regard after that,it the same with everybody,how 2 put
- that question to her,thats my problem,i guess i should just go 4 it,as if i
- leave it any longer i will be too old,must get round to asking her out soon b4
- its too late.Karl(ZED/Eclipse) did well and is going out with a nice bird at
- the moment.My life is boring at the moment,my computer substitutes for a
- girlfriend so i must change that soon.Thats about it.You are a real nice Girl
- Lisa so i hope you are reading this.>>>>>>>>>>>>
- Remind me never to borrow your equipment....... (What you do to it in place of
- a girl I`ll never know, never want to know). So Barry, as the curtain falls on
- this interview is there anything else you want to add?
- Not really except,greetz go 2 all my contax worldwide and BBS friends and of
- course 2 a nice guy like yourself for spending you time interviewing me.I must
- apologize to the viewers if they found my answers boring but i have the
- effects of a hangover so n-joi the rest of the magazine guyz and all the best
- in the future.L8R
- And so ends our expose of the sordid life of the Irish Mega-Swapper,
- and......(Stifled `Thud`). Thanx for reminding me the curtain was falling!
- Bloody heavy things............ Tune in next Ish, for an interview with his
- holiness the pope speaking on the state of Yak affairs in outer mongolia (?).
- Do not adjust your mind, reality is at fault.
- CreeD & Green Beret.
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